Weight Loss Running Reddit

Hey there!!! i [f 25] started running to lose weight too! i first started running when i weighed 150 ish, starting weight was 188lbs i had a plateau and began running on average i was jogging 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes and lifting weights 3x a week i would eat an average of 1700-1900 calories a day ( sometimes more!) and was losing weight. Weight loss running reddit. Yes, you can definitely eat x calories of pure junk and still lose weight but its hard to sustain a running regimen on junk food once you've established a running schedule, just use that as your exercise to burn cals running typically burns 100-140 calories/mile i estimate @ 100 to be safe well, i did when i was trying to lose weight.

weight loss running reddit

Do Chia Seeds Really Help With Weight Loss? | Openfit

Do chia seeds really help with weight loss? | openfit

Motivational Quotes…To Keep You Running! | Chubby Runner Chick

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