Can Rapid Weight Loss Cause A Hernia

“not everyone with a hernia needs to have it fixed because it isn’t affecting daily activity,” says vargo “but if you have pain, surgery is recommended” tips to decrease the risk of a hernia maintain a healthy weight rapid weight loss and weight gain place pressure on the abdominal wall don’t smoke change lifting stance. Can rapid weight loss cause a hernia. List of 34 causes of umbilical hernia and weight loss, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more.

can rapid weight loss cause a hernia

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"my husband was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia taking nexium, (esomeprazole) but he is losing weight, loss of appetite, and sleeps a lot could this be more then a herni?" answered by dr francine yep: talk with your doc: great question when belly pain or any changes in. Typically, postprandial epigastric pain with significant weight loss is due to chronic mesenteric ischemia, gastric ulcer, or gastric malignancy. 1 herniation of the stomach through the foramen of morgagni is uncommon 2 and is not a well-characterized cause of this clinical presentation..

more info can rapid weight loss cause a hernia ---> click here


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